Art to me is a daily act, not limited to the traditional artistic context. It is an experience, a form of behavior, an expression and emotion, a state of being and self-discovery. Art is the place of an unobscured truth. The aesthetic experience makes it possible for me to face the world as it is, with a freedom otherwise unknown. In my art practice I am interested in space, how spaces have multiplied and diversified, how today there are spaces of every kind, size, use and function, and how to live is to pass from one space to another. I want to go beyond the big events, the extra-ordinary: the front page splash, the banner headlines that speak to most people, as if life revealed itself only by the way of the spectacular. The daily papers talk of everything except the daily. What is really going on? What are we experiencing? What happens and recurs everyday: the banal, the common, the obvious, the ordinary, the background noise, the habitual? I want to speak of these ‘common things‘, how to track them down, how to give them a meaning, a tongue, to let them speak of what is, of what we are. As Georges Perec, a French writer, once wrote: ”What we need perhaps is finally to find our own anthropology, one that will speak about us. Not the exotic anymore, but the endotic.” It mattered to him and it matters to me that these questions seem trivial and futile because that is exactly what makes them just as essential.