I have always had a very sterotypical negative view on
blogs, to me, a blog was a place a 15 year old girl
could vent or cry about her current boy problems. But
that was very naive of me. I want to learn about
blogging that can be more then that. With that in
mind, I wanted my blog to be different. Instead of the
blog being for me, or for me, I wanted it to be for
the viewers. And the best way to do that is to get the
people involved. I came up wih the sweater idea to
feed my current obsession with corny sweaters and be
something everyone could relate to. I realize that
technology is the wave of the future, and I am willing
to embrace it, but another part of me is really
reluctant. That's why I liked the snail mail idea
along with e-mail. It reminds me of the girl scouts
song I used to sing: make new friends but keep the
old, one is silver and the others gold. I dont know
why, or how that song even makes sense to begin with,
but same idea.