Some may call it ART, but I call them my hobbies. They are the things I like to do when I get a moment to do what “I” want to do. I may be word playing this or it might be the internal struggle I have of saying (admitting) I am an artist. If I say I am an artist then I have to do something great, right? I have to be good at it. I have to study it and have to know it inside and out. That just sounds like too much work for me. Therefore, I prefer to call it a hobby.
My ART, if I must call it that, is photography. Up until a few years ago, the camera did all the work. I just had to hold the camera steady and push a button. I started “making” my own pictures when I bought my first 35mm SLR camera. For the first time in my life, I was in control. I can now show people what I see. I can capture my interpretation of the world around me. One thing is for sure, no one sees it quite like me.