“The idea hovered and shimmered delicately, like a soap bubble, and she dared not even look at it directly in case it burst. But she was familiar with the way of ideas, and she let it shimmer, looking away, thinking about something else.” – Phillip Pullman, The Golden Compass
The way I am working now is completely new and foreign to me. It is vague, mysterious, sub-lingual, and subconscious. I am trusting my curiosity, my intrigue, my fascination as never before. This is a radical shift for me: I have long defined myself as a planner who deliberately and consciously makes artwork that responds directly to an issue or concept. But in the interest of growing beyond the known, I have let go to see what happens when I follow my impulses and experiment freely without regard to outcome. What I am discovering is that there is more here than I could have imagined. I have become a jealous lover to this way of working, bristling at any voice or situation that might deny me it. I strive to turn this flickering infatuation into something strong, deep and lasting, permanently transforming my personhood and practice by integrating itself harmoniously with my more philosophical and topical intentions. Until then, I must hold it gently, unconditionally, and often.