I make art as a way of understanding. Making, for me, is a way to process information and perhaps come to some level of comprehension I wouldn't have otherwise. I make art because I want to take something I am thinking about, something I cannot find or see, and make it visible. There are times when I am not entirely sure what I am doing in my work, or why I am doing it, and those are the most exciting avenues I pursue. By creating something and allowing for new, unexpected things to happen, I create work that often branches and creates a new interest, it becomes work that feeds itself.
In my current work, I am investigating the nature of desire, what it is to want and be wanted. I am most interested in foods that act solely as objects of desire. Foods that have no nutritional value, and exist solely for our pleasure. I am extremely fascinated by want gone wrong, turned to gluttony or sickness. I am exploring the tipping point, when wanting one cookie turns to five, turns to ten, turns to sickness.
Ultimately, my work investigates what we desire, and through various means turn them toward repulsion. Human beings are creatures fraught with desire, consumed with animal longings for food and sex. My work is a reevaluation of these longings, an attempt to make visible my unease with the nature of want.