As with any artist, I appreciate things. What those things are, are what separates myself from the other thousands of artists staking their claim in vast frontier of modern art. I am drawn to appreciate things that seemingly uplift the spirit that all of us humans are intrinsically imbued with.
No matter the faith or the culture, we can all agree with the idea of everything living embodying a certain energy/life force/spirit; It is with this energy that we are able to dictate or influence the mood of not only ourselves but with those around us. I see this energy and wish to recreate it in my pieces in order to ignite a revolution of happiness or joy with the viewer, and for the viewer to ignite and spark others into happiness. I believe “interaction” is a powerful tool that can be geared towards to a certain feeling or emotion, as in impressionistic art. I believe that interactions with humans amongst other humans are very powerful and can directly influence the outcome of some many other series of events or sets of circumstances. These subsequent events and circumstances can easily be negative or turn negative if any interaction in the long line of sequential events was not a pleasant one.
So it is with art that I explore the realm of interactive pieces and works that leave a different yet always positive interaction with the viewer, in hopes that, that one simple interaction would be a catalyst to more positive interactions and so on, creating a peace of mind that lets me feels as if I am controlling the production of potential good in the world.