Monday, May 16, 2011

Jeffery's Statement

I am a filmmaker at heart. To me, film (and by film I am referring to all forms of moving pictures) is the marriage of all arts. It is the culmination of thousands of years of artistic expression. Every aspect of the creation process is important to me and I work hard to learn as much as I can about each one. For me, there is no more complete way of expression, ranging from documentation of life and reality to the completely surreal.

My interest in film is not necessarily in recreating reality, however. I read once that film is nothing more than holding a mirror up to society and then filming the mirror. And while there may be merit to that method of looking at film, I would find it more interesting to hold a fun house mirror up and filming that. Real doesn’t always equate to interesting. And many times, the lack of reality is what it takes to move the viewer. Which reminds me of what the great Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz said, "Art is not trying to be accurate, but art may be more accurate than science."