Growing up with a heavily musical background, I have almost always associated my creative endeavors with the auditory realm. Recently as I've begun to sink into the video world, my mind is being opened up to so many more possibilities to combine the two in ways that can evoke very specific reactions, and I can't see a limit to expressing myself using music and video now. One of things that I've somewhat realized is that creativity is really no different that any other skill. It increases with practice, and when not being exercised, can be lessened or lost with time. People aren't born with massive amounts of creativity, and likewise people can become more creative with practice. And the process of creating, and learning, is probably more of a reward than the end product sometimes. I don't know, my art up till now hasn't had much of an end goal; I've mainly just been creating it for it's own sake. There might come a time when I look back on now and appreciate what I have, because if I ever start making money off art I might not get as much freedom! In the end, art is pretty much who I am. My job doesn't define me, my money doesn't, my relationship status doesn't; if some says tell me about yourself, I will respond with, "Oh yeah, I really like to make art!"