Sunday, January 22, 2012

Link's statement

   It's hard to say whether art is more impacted by inherited genetics or by exposure from others who share it first and everyone approves. I can only speak for myself, but I don't think creativity is something that's exclusive to the idealists, where the rest of the world are spectators wanting more. I find Art to be some sort of power that people take for granted because it isn't a calculated asset or a number of years of experience. I find art, GOOD ART, to be more of an accident than a measure of creative skill, especially in the magnitude of the world's reception. If someone indulges in their own creative accidents enough, they can take their knowledge and wisdom and experience and utilize it for something that is and always will be something that just simply happens from the heart: a beautiful idea.

There have been numerous, numerous times when someone like myself thinks they have an immaculate idea, only to lack the ability to harness it, control it, shape it, and present it the way I want people to see it. Even then it can still be an accidental failure or success because I'm simply not in complete control. I'm not running the show, I'm not the Deus Ex Machina of all that is Art, but I'm a perspective all to my own that I can keep secrets, let those secrets brew and sneak around, and perhaps at the right time (or even by ignorance of it's effectiveness) slit the throats of the leather-necked audience that wasn't expecting something this amazing. Sometimes it will be to everyone, and sometimes it's just popular, and you don't know why.

You can't be upset if you make something accidentally and the world roars in it's success. It's the emotion that counts. The idea you threw out was sloppy but still from the heart, a source that isn't just a blood pumping organ, but a crux of feelings and thoughts and emotions that we can't put a finger on why it exists exactly. That's the essence of your life, it's a door to your soul where you jam your hand in and pull stuff out and try to figure out what it is or why it's important, and that's the very same stuff that others put into their hearts and kiss it goodnight. There's a science to it sometimes, sure. You need your brain to visualize what comes from your heart, and Art is a deadly mission between those two things, your mind and your soul.

Those two commandos can be lone wolves, but a joint strike can be planned, sure.
 If it's just the soul, it'll accidentally get through things without a scratch, only to fear getting hurt the next time or scared of what more is expected. If it's just the mind, it'll have a bulletproof plan, but fears that planning it all just won't be enough to make it out okay.

When you have both together, you complete the objective, and you aren't responsible for sending letters home to widows.