I make art because I see the world in a unique perspective. That's not to say that mine is inherently more special or insightful than other people's but merely a factual statement that only I see the world exactly as I do. I want to relay my perspective so that people might understand me better or just share in my experience of something interesting. The problem is that I have trouble sharing my art sometimes because it comes from my core and can say so much about me as a person. Still, I think that the sharing of art is important enough for me to get over it and let others into my world. It also helps me to expand my horizons and forces me to do something outside of my comfort zone. My art is therefore as much about me sharing what I already see with the world as it is about me finding out new things about myself. I see where I came from, where I am and where I'm going in life more clearly and fully than I otherwise do. I use and abuse art to make me happier, wiser, stronger and more insightful and consequently I love making art.