“Art is why I get up in the morning…”(Ani Difranco) encompasses the spirit of what, why and how I create. Whether it be meditational, musical, photographic, animated, moving image, or digital composition with each piece I am not only communicating about the world around me but also my place in that world. I am constantly seeking and gaining new knowledge and my creative endeavors are no exception to this process. Meditating on a specific piece of music to inspire an action painting, investigating medical conditions to communicate visually the concept of repetitive use of a singular body part, or manipulating analog and digital projections in the same space and time are all examples representing what it is to be, think like, and feel like Matt Swift at that time, in that specific situation, which is not only the experience of single unique human but also of an interconnected singular humanity. The world has more people than anyone can concretely perceive and by creating art that embodies my existence, that existence becomes something larger and more complicated than the number that was given to me at birth.