Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rich's Statement

I’m in a car, most of my belongings crowd me in. I’m driving sleeplessly into a new space. At times our conversations are animated at the sights of new things. We are like wide-eyed children, amazed and dazzled by our new experiences. There are also long moments of intense silence between us. We become extremely pensive as we drive through several states, occasionally changing the music, sometimes letting an album expire for hours before selecting a new one. I’m thinking of things from my childhood. I’m thinking of the not-knowing. I fear that our tools of structure and rationality are overthrowing emotion and experience. 
I feel that the impact of my visual artwork is largely psychological. I pair it with performances that work in a similar way, peppered with notions of karma and energetic direction. My recent works include posters and videos in the form of public service announcements or 'social and political etiquette' influenced by WWII and cold-war era propaganda. They are meant to be distributed and viewed in the public sphere. By intervening with simple symbolic gestures, I’m attempting to change the landscape of the world around me to one that is less oppressive, and more enriching to the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual states of all people.