Saturday, August 11, 2007

a statement

Here’s a theory which you can totally reject, or not. Art, the true idea of art, the meat and potatoes of what I like to think of as art has too elusive of a definition that I refuse to try and debate it’s meaning. I think that in too many places art is defined as art when it is not, and vice versa. Although, that is personal, and I don’t wish to be the one make the decision one way or another.

A statement about art, how about, “Art was grand, before it was discovered.” I like that one. Too often I believe that “artists,” if they are to be self-branded as that, create these creative goals so unattainable that they forget why they began creating “art” in the first place, and just focus on leaving their prints in the sand, or whatever. It seems silly to me, because, as an “artist,” one would think that he would realize that his meager attempt at immortality, is just another im-possiblility. At one point I may have specified my goals as being communicative, attempting to express myself through my creativity.

But that is not the truth. The truth is that I have trouble communicating in every way I have tried. Expression, communication, and understanding complex ideas through any means is difficult. I suppose my so called quest for art is not that at all. It’s more of a personal escape from the whole of the incredibly crooked society in which we live.

I feel as if I shouldn’t be making statements about something that I honestly still do not understand. However, I believe it is the realization of ignorance that allows humans to learn. And Art should not be a ad placed onto a physical thing, but rather thought of as a path in which to follow that may help us learn about the so much we still don’t know. Or maybe not.