Saturday, August 11, 2007

a statement

My personal philosophy of art is constantly changing and shifting as I am influenced by the world around me. As a young artist that is fairly new to art, the ideas and influences behind the images I make are not yet perfectly clear to me. I am constantly in a struggle to discover what kind of artist I want to be and what truly motivates me to make an artwork. At this early stage in my life as an artist, I try to think about many different aspects and philosophies of art, and the world in general, and take something from each to move forward with my ideas, so that I can successfully convey ideas to others.

a statement

As an artist, I believe it is important to have meaning in the art that I make. Also, in still not knowing all that I enjoy in art, it is important for me to explore. Much of the art I make has no meaning beyond me testing different media. I do not expect to achieve much in my art, but more so, I expect to view the art I’ve made as a reference to what I was thinking at a certain point in time, and then use that to better my art making in the future. Also, I want to be a teacher and use what I’ve learned to share with others. In wanting to be a teacher I want to show people what can be done with art. I don’t believe that you can teach art. I believe that techniques in making works can be taught, but art is something that comes from us and is one thing that no two people will ever do the same. In being an artist I know that I can express more in one piece of art than I could in a book. In being an artist, I believe I can show people art, and not just “art.”

a statement

I am an artist because there is no other alternative. If I make a genius work of art to some it's crap to others and crap is genius to yet another. So by default all things I create will be art no matter if I like it or not. Kind of takes away from the concept of choice. So by no option of my own, I am an artist... (plus I shoot things on a camera, I guess that's a choice?)

a statement

I make art because it allows me to explore my creativity. There are no set rules and regulations to what is and what is not art. I can be as simplistic or elaborate as I would like to be in creating art and it can still be considered beautiful or entertaining. For me, art is the ultimate way of expressing ones ideas and emotions, because the artist has free range to do just about whatever they want. I find that exploring these unlimited boundaries is the best way for me to express myself to the world.

Matt Porter

a statement

I create art because I enjoy expressing myself through a medium, specifically video, that others can interpret for themselves. Also, it helps me expand my artistic abilities every time I create a new piece. It is a wonderful experience to hear what my viewers say about my work and see how they interpret the message I attempt to convey. Being creative and taking risks with my art is the best way I learn about what works and what doesn’t. I create art to show my personality and who I am. I work on a variety of projects that will inspire new ideas not to only myself, but also to the viewers.

a statement

Here’s a theory which you can totally reject, or not. Art, the true idea of art, the meat and potatoes of what I like to think of as art has too elusive of a definition that I refuse to try and debate it’s meaning. I think that in too many places art is defined as art when it is not, and vice versa. Although, that is personal, and I don’t wish to be the one make the decision one way or another.

A statement about art, how about, “Art was grand, before it was discovered.” I like that one. Too often I believe that “artists,” if they are to be self-branded as that, create these creative goals so unattainable that they forget why they began creating “art” in the first place, and just focus on leaving their prints in the sand, or whatever. It seems silly to me, because, as an “artist,” one would think that he would realize that his meager attempt at immortality, is just another im-possiblility. At one point I may have specified my goals as being communicative, attempting to express myself through my creativity.

But that is not the truth. The truth is that I have trouble communicating in every way I have tried. Expression, communication, and understanding complex ideas through any means is difficult. I suppose my so called quest for art is not that at all. It’s more of a personal escape from the whole of the incredibly crooked society in which we live.

I feel as if I shouldn’t be making statements about something that I honestly still do not understand. However, I believe it is the realization of ignorance that allows humans to learn. And Art should not be a ad placed onto a physical thing, but rather thought of as a path in which to follow that may help us learn about the so much we still don’t know. Or maybe not.

a statement

Art to me is getting to play. Playing is about engaging, exploring, seeking, and finding. Creating art is playing, much of the time (but not always) on a visual level. Spectating is interesting, but jumping in and engaging is what makes an artist and what brings the fun. It can bring excitement, boredom, failure, success, joy, depression, etc, etc. Hopefully someone can find my art as exciting as I found it while in the process of doing it. I am an artist because I like to play. I like to work too, which art also is, but I don't like to do shit work, which art also can be. Thats when I take a nap.

a statement

Art, for me, is a matter of self confidence. Doing art is not just because I enjoy doing it; doing art, I discovered, helps me discover the good parts in my personality. Doing art helps me develop my self confidence, not just about doing stuff with my hands, but self confidence about my personality. Doing art help me in exploring what I have been missing in my personality. Doing art is about completing me. I have been always inspired by what I can not do and that is why doing art is the main source for me getting inspiration of knowing more about what I think I can not do and actually do it.

a statement

As a female artist, I look at the world with a critical eye, constantly examining what I see. Creating art is very personal because I am seeking to communicate to others through senses. This gives me a chance to really connect with the viewer and share myself with them through my artwork. Making art is well worth the time it takes to do it well because of this opportunity to express myself to others. I hope when all is said and done, that the viewers can take something away from my artwork to enhance their lives.



My art is a visual biography that expands as my life experience
evolves. Whether it be paint, clay, video, or installation my goal is
to be honest to who I am and what I believe. Art is a release which
allows me to go through concepts, and play with the idea of what is
reality. I am interested in capturing my personal response to a wide
variety of issues in a visual context. When I work with any raw
material I am reminded that process is what drives my passion for
creating art. Life is full of layers of memories, and I find that my
work seems to be created by layers as well. My goal is to create art
that invites the viewer to want to allow for a sensory experience. I
invite the human desire to touch or be a part of my art. I hope to
create art that helps myself and anyone willing to participate in the
opportunity for manifesting all that sensory perception has to offer.