Sunday, October 4, 2009

a statement

The basis of the portfolio was to try and related all of the artwork that I have done over the years to the overall interface and style of the DVD. What all of my work trails back to is the concept of basic character analysis. Video Games, Comic Books, and various styles of Animation, (which are my influences when it comes to making artwork) all have one thing in common, iconic characters.

Whenever a genre of art is being recognize, there is always some sort of character or figure that best represents the genre as a whole whether some might believe it or not. Depending on the experience of art exposure to an individual, audiences may generalize painting the Mona Lisa, or generalize painting to the Old Rococo paintings of France. For video games, it could be Mario from Super Mario Brothers, for Comic Books, it could be Spider-man, and for Animation, it could be something from Pixar or Japanese Anime. In all of my artwork, I have a certain character that stands front and center out of everything else in the image or video. The character is relative the environment he, she, or it resides, it has a certain personality that can be shown by gestures lines, shadows, and placement or perspective. The purpose for my artwork is to entertain and enlighten the viewer to character-based situations that’s abstract and sometimes random to the overall influences I have as a developing artist. It may derived from a video game or comic book, but I try to stay as abstract to my own experimental ideas as possible.

The reason for the loose-beatbox DVD formula is to show randomness, but simple entertainment to my audience. My beatbox has a character of its own; it’s just as improvised and character-developed as Kirk Whalum on saxophone or Stevie Wonder on piano. I wanted my Image and Video buttons to move in the menu to show that they individually had personalities to relate to my own thought process of creating art in the first place. The overall choice of the dvd is to make sure the viewer understands that I am a person that has a range of ideas and character-based thought processes, whether it be completely random or not.