Sunday, December 20, 2009

Adrian statement

The idea that one’s state of being is simply a product of the human mind excites me – to say the least. The actuality that our ideas of self are just manifestations of how we have processed and wired information, over time, encourages me to question the idea of “self-assurance”. I want to be able to go through all of the phases of unraveling the wiring of the human mind’s identity. This comes from the notion of realization and mortality. This is when we stop living in the dreams that our minds have created for us, on a daily point of departure, and start to question our surroundings. When you start to question yourself, others and the state of humanity, it’s creations and the greater authority of control. I use the idea of control as not just some form of shallow barbaric restraint (as in government/law - even though these aspects of life are included in my definition). I want to use the idea of control as this metaphysical lump of ideas – a consensus amongst the majority of other human minds, the greater mind. It is the true governing state that doesn’t allow you to question the flow of life. It tells you what to wear, how to speak to others, how to create, with whom to mate, how to spend your time and what to disown (from those ideas we must also start to weave the burdening and ultimate constraint – money). It doesn’t allow you to question the distribution of your life. It narrows your life and possibilities to a very structured path – fooling you into the idea of being immortal & obsessive over the shallow aspects of youth. We fight, kill, work and fuck to be closer to these ideas. What I want to convey through my work barely touches on the cornerstone of this hypothesis (hopefully one day). However, I want to at least touch on the beginning aspect of the change. To explain further, the change is the ultimate realization. When mortality consistently reminds you that your youth is fleeting & life is not promised. Nor are any other aspects of life, including marriage, love, wealth, stability, friendship, reciprocation, health, beauty and contentment. All of these concepts that seemed to be promised as long as you give up your free will to control. This, to me, is when the human mind stops listening to the greater mind, the control, and starts to rewire information. Unfortunately, however, not in all cases, one may have to start over. This is what I want to discover and also, I want to be able to convey these thoughts through my work. I want to show the process of deconstructing one’s idea of self and the reconstructive methodologies. There is also the following idea that there is a resistance to the control, but it is nearly impossible to escape the greater mind’s authority. The power of the greater mind is everlasting and so embedded that the concept of resistance becomes just another big idea that is quickly forgotten as it is conjured. It is fathomed to be too visceral, epic, fearful or frankly, too much of a hassle. It becomes an unrealistic dream leaving more room for the power of the greater mind to take over. It is very important to also keep in mind that one is not better than the other just because of this realization, especially since the way that each of us handles this information is different, even if we ever get to that point. The point is to treat others with a respect that we may give each other mental nourishment to build upon the ideas of full potential, self-governance and critical thinking that facilitate a sharing of information so that we may be free to be self-sufficient at any point in time, space and life. Life can be so meaningless, especially when you realize our relative size and impact, in conjunction, with the universe, as we know it. This, for now, is the best I think we can do…

Think of it as having a chest of belongings. Whether the chest was full or not is not important. The items are not of importance either; they may even be borrowed from others. However, one day you feel the need to re-examine these items and you start to notice their structure, cleanliness, color, size/volume and representation. These items become less divine and soon you must start to clean out your chest, cleanse it and carefully redistribute new items into their respective places, with some form of meaning. For a while, we must walk around extremely humble and open to new ideas because our chest is completely empty.