Sunday, December 13, 2009

Brittni's statement

Art to me is not something that can be defined easily, because it is everywhere and has different meanings to everyone. But to be an individual and make art that is different from everything else we have seen, you have to be willing to take a risk. This is what I want to include in all of my art. I want it to be a topic of discussion, I want people to have good and bad things to say about it, because the more controversial something is the more someone will want to talk about it. Therefore, the more that someone talks about it the more they think about it and are able to form a better analysis of what that artist was trying to say or not say.

I also feel as if people have forgotten the small things in life, and I want to emphasis those small things to show how much fun they can be. Through the internet and television people just forget how much fun things can be without all the materials, and I feel as if it is important to remind others about simple times because it makes them value things more. This is how art can be different to me, if it emphasizes something small to make it more apparent to those who have forgotten about its importance.