Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cassandra's statement

Being an artist is my way of engaging with the world. This process of engagement is multi-faceted as it includes critical thinking, reflection, creation, and assessment of the work itself. I am an artist because it heightens my awareness as a human being. Hopefully this awareness leads to a greater understanding of what creates a meaningful existence not just for myself, but also for those who might experience my work. It is through art that intricacies of emotions and desires can be expressed in a way different than that of words.

It is difficult, yet crucial to be in a constant state critique. What does this mean? Why is this idea of interest to me? What consequences will occur I follow through with this action? These are questions that I constantly ask, and must continue to ask myself. It is not merely a way of thinking, but a way to living. Although it is not just acting in the face of art, or art as a response to life, for they do not oppose each other. Art and life must never be separated. As an artist, it is important for me that no matter how esoteric some thoughts might become, that they are never removed from actions and the physical body of life. It is here where we reside, so art should reside as well.