Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bill's statement

I make art to deal in systems, the patterns and processes unfolding around us. In particular, I am fascinated by the systems behind the "natural," outward landscape and the inward mental landscape. They brush coarsely against one another. The mind constructs its own systems, which grasp, contain, and manipulate the former. We put values on land; we plough it for crops; we flatten mountain ranges for coal. By contrast, the landscape outside the mind makes few demands. Instead, it almost uniquely offers the mind release from its frantic loops. For whatever reasons, the mind eases up before the varied patterns of nature. Taken together, these two landscapes form an ecology of noise and silence, central to human beings split between calm and frenetic activity. We rest in ourselves; or we scrambled before the storm, building shelter, then cities, then networks of machines and computers, extending our own scattered minds into the physical landscape. Art, by offering the chance for more acute seeing or just a quick rest, can trouble the mind. This may, hopefully, open it to the silence of the outward landscape. My art's not so vast, of course. But for a moment my own frenetic activity suspended me between the two extremes. I had a camera, and got a little perspective later. Enjoy.