Sunday, May 6, 2007

A statement

When I produce my art there is always a meaning behind my pieces either being a current mood or a past event that made me unhappy or joyous. I like to express myself in a way that I don’t have to voice my feelings out loud but to show my audience how I wanted to interpret my feelings. When making my art I don’t like to give it away where the audience knows exactly what the piece is about. I like to make art which the audience would say “it could be this meaning but what about that”. I don’t like giving away the moods. For instance the most recent video I made was a burning candle with dead rose petals, with a background of a nature scene that was “scattered” and jumpy and all over the place of wilderness. I wanted to represent where my life is right now, in a place where I don’t want to be in ( that’s why I was burning the rose petals) but I have to go through the chaotic world of my life ( the scattered scenery) that seems almost dead ( the rose petals). I wanted to burn those dead cells and find the new cells. I am searching that one area that will make me feel relieved but never get to that point in the video or in my life right now. It’s just a positioned shot of going down a tree trunk that maybe one day I will find my way through this chaos. Doing artwork is a soother, it tranquils me into a place where I feel the most comfortable being in. It just feels right to me.