Sunday, December 13, 2009

Anita's statement

Thinking back when I was young, I was fully of creativity in all forms of art. I drew cartoon characters, made a car out of a cardboard box, threw a blanket on me and acted like superman, made origami, ect. I'm sure most kids went through this phase, but as of right now I would still do all those things. I make art because it's full of limitless creativity. I don't think art can really be defined or judged. Everyone is unique, and so is their idea of art. Art is a visual expression that sometimes cannot be describes with words. That is how I feel art should be approached. I find most of my interest in video art because it really messes with reality and it has the ability to manipulate the impossible to possible. I am fascinated how experimental video art can be, and I want to continue to explore the abilities it holds. With my art, I want to achieve something memorable. I want to "wow" people and give them something completely new to look at. I'm not sure where my true passion for video resides in though, because I have interests in doing something like music videos, but on the other hand, I want to create something that sends a strong message artistically like a featured film. All I know, is that I put all my feelings and effort into any art project because it's a part of me. I want to share what I visualize with the world.